This mod integrates its options menu as a submenu of BLT's Mod Options menu. Installation of the mod is straightforward - simply install the mod the same way as any other BLT mod.

(the following are old screenshots from 0.0.2 / revision 2) Several buttons are added to the mission briefing GUI to allow toggling the background transparency and switching of characters to spectate for additional context. While the background is hidden, your view of the game will be very similar to that of a player in custody - you will be orbiting a character (both players and team AI are supported) as they go about their business as usual. whether the game is still in stealth or has gone loud, whether it is safe to spawn, etc.) before you spawn. This mod allows you to hide the mission briefing GUI's background on demand to let you view the game's context (e.g. Sick of spawning into a game, only to join another player's fall into custody or get instantly downed by a conveniently positioned saiga dozer? (Yes, these actually happened to me) Loud players, this one's for you, too. Tired of having to ask "Safe?" before spawning? Why have to ask if the game is in stealth, when you can see for yourself? Stealth players, this one's for you.