Ultimately, we consider it best to focus efforts on the Elite Dangerous Odyssey experience for the platforms where it has been released. “We have spent a lot of time discussing and re-evaluating our previous plans, and we have made the decision to prioritize the Elite Dangerous PC experience . There’s a huge list of changes posted over here on the Frontier forums, the main details of which can be read below.The launch of Elite Dangerous: Odyssey on PC has not met the expectations of users and the developers themselves, who after much thought have decided to postpone the premiere of the video game on consoles indefinitely to solve the many bugs that computer players report every day. In fact, the production today accumulates 70% of mostly negative reviews on Steam. Horizons, as players probably know by now, adds planetary landing capabilities to craft, as well as surface exploration options and mechanics.

If you have Horizons beta access & are unable to see it in your list. They also have a recommendation (and a link) for those who have beta access, but who can’t see Horizons in their list in the Elite: Dangerous launcher. If you're receiving the message "'server refused to provide installer." we are currently investigating. There might be some other connotations too, but those are the ones I’m aware of at present.įor anybody trying to update and getting the “server refused to provide installer” message, Frontier say they’re currently investigating this problem.

If you were an Alpha backer of the original Elite: Dangerous Kickstarter, or a Premium Beta backer, or own the ‘Lifetime Expansion Pass’, then you should have beta access to Horizons. After a couple of delays from the proposed 24 November release date, Elite: Dangerous’ Horizons beta update (taking the game to version 2.0) has arrived today.