Sylvain Sauve changed description of In-game Save Editor.This is a real Gardeford-heavy patch this month. DarkfireKurai on In-game Save Editor I'm going to honest and say that I use a save editor for many, if not most things. Parth Patel on In-game Save Editor darkfirekurai there is a save editor available. Champ on In-game Save Editor To the one who created this card I don't know whether you know this or not but, You can also edit your saves via coc. Tornaco Vasco on In-game Save Editor Well I checked through the "debug wand" perhaps you could get it in camp when debug mode is on. No cheating! Shylok Vakarian moved In-game Save Editor higher. Access to the save editor is disabled entirely in Hardcore Mode. You will also even be able to change your appearance. You'll eventually be able to add, change, and remove key items, status effects and perks. In-game Save Editor As of right now, the secret debug menu only allows you to spawn items and change stats and flags. To have one built in would be convenient as I can only edit data of that of vanilla COC. I'm going to honest and say that I use a save editor for many, if not most things. It can be used on the mod version, however it cannot edit any mod specific content as it does not have the flags. Though if it's too hard then it is what it is. I also suggest to be able to change sizes like heightmusclethickness etc when using the debug wand. Well I checked through the "debug wand" perhaps you could get it in camp when debug mode is on. As of right now, the secret debug menu only allows you to spawn items and change stats and flags.